The statements by Yağız Özgen in the text below are quoted from the booklet prepared as an annex to the exhibition titled “A Bit of Unruly Complexity” curated by Misal Adnan Yıldız. “In the exhibition, I will be applying some of the sketches, instructions and drafts I have made for a potential mural to a wall in the gallery that has been spared for this work. I find it crucial to think about how the time and space I am ...
See more...Anomaliler Okyanusunda İlerleyen Bir Araştırma Programı”, adını, Imre Lakatos’un Alan Musgrave ile birlikte derledikleri “Eleştiri ve Bilginin Gelişmesi” adlı kitap için kaleme aldığı metninde geçen bir bilimsel araştırma programından alır. Lakatos’a göre, 1815 tarihli imzasız bir makalesinde Prout, bütün saf kimyasal elementlerin atom ağırlıklarının tamsayı olduğunu iddia ederek bir araştırma programı başlatmıştır. Prout’un bilimsel araştırma programını takip eden bilimciler, programın iddiasını doğrulamak yerine, kendi savları aleyhinedeki bütün karşı-savları yanlışlamak gibi bir “maceraya” atılmışlardır. Ancak açıklanması gereken o kadar çok sayıda ...
See more...This text is about the context of the works which will come together in the second issue of the magazine, the first issue of which has been published under the title “06.2020/14/dergi”. The founder and coordinator of the mentioned periodical is the artist Sergen Şehitoğlu. Şehitoğlu has created a periodical which has included in its first issue 14 works produced by 14 artists for a medium in the form of a magazine. This periodical creates a quite different context than ...
See more...Founded by professional astronomers and supported by NASA, “Astronomy Picture Of The Day” is an online archive where generally space images recorded via hi-tech telescopes and short explanations regarding these images are regularly published. The work seen is named after the eponymous online archive. This website where a high resolution image together with a short explanation by professional astronomers is published everyday hosts various information on celestial bodies and events that are not usually possible to be seen with the ...
See more...Özgen’s work is named after the nebula Pillars of Creation. Nebulae are astronomical objects, comprising formations of dust, gas and other materials that clump together, and by attracting further matter eventually form stars. The image was first taken at NASA using the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, leading to significant improvements in our scientific understanding of processes taking place inside nebulae. The telescopic photo of the pillars is composed of 32 individual images from four separate cameras on Hubble. Light ...
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