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Türkiye Workshop

Yağız Özgen, who has been continuing his work at the Cité Internationale des Arts Türkiye Workshop Residency Program since April 4, 2024, is opening his studio to visitors on June 5, 2024. The artist’s work, which is a continuation of his solo exhibition Painter (2013), is based on the formal and cultural structure of the studio where he lived and worked throughout the program. Observing the renovation of the Cité Internationale des Arts building in Marais, the artist is presenting ...

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Painter (Boyacı)

PAINTER OR THE MATERIOLOGY OF PAINTING Oğuz Karayemiş   1. (noun) A person who takes painting as a profession. 2. (noun) A person who makes or sells paint. 3. (noun) Paint store. Turkish Language Association, “Painter”   Problem I: How do images stand? Proposition I: There is a materiology that investigates the corporeal dimensions of images in art. Proposition II: The materiology of painting reveals its links with the ecosystem.   We have been looking at them for centuries but ...

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Astronomy Picture of the Day

BETWEEN KINETIC PLACIDITY AND STATIC RUSH Osman Can Yerebakan The promise in tension constitutes silent explosions and deafenings stillnesses. Somewhere between the comfort in the known and the challenge of the ambiguous, painting can suggest an answer, a liquidly-bordered definition of the perceived. Yağız Özgen’s paintings inhabit a territory of firm assumptions and interchangeable truths. Space—with its gargantuan mysteries and optic luster—lays the ground for the Istanbul-based artist’s acrylic works and mixed-media installations. Systematic yet kinetic, Özgen’s surfaces stem from ...

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Study for “Nebula Rich Part of the Sky”

The statements by Yağız Özgen in the text below are quoted from the booklet prepared as an annex to the exhibition titled “A Bit of Unruly Complexity” curated by Misal Adnan Yıldız. “In the exhibition, I will be applying some of the sketches, instructions and drafts I have made for a potential mural to a wall in the gallery that has been spared for this work. I find it crucial to think about how the time and space I am ...

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Nebula Rich Part of the Sky

Yağız Özgen participates in SANATORIUM’s ArtDubai 2022 stand with a performative installation in the space reserved for him. The work is a cross-section from the artist’s ongoing long-term project, which he started after his solo exhibition titled “Instructions” in 2019. Özgen’s work under the title of “A Research Programme Progressing In The Ocean Of Anomalies” takes its name from the scientific research program mentioned in a text written for the book titled “Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge” compiled by ...

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Views of the Carina Nebula

Yağız Özgen participates in SANATORIUM’s CI’21 stand with a performative installation in the space reserved for him. The work is a cross-section from the artist’s ongoing long-term project, which he started after his solo exhibition titled “Instructions” in 2019. Özgen’s work under the title of “A Research Programme Progressing In The Ocean Of Anomalies” takes its name from the scientific research program mentioned in a text written for the book titled “Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge” compiled by Imre ...

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A Research Programme Progressing In The Ocean Of Anomalies

Anomaliler Okyanusunda İlerleyen Bir Araştırma Programı”, adını, Imre Lakatos’un Alan Musgrave ile birlikte derledikleri “Eleştiri ve Bilginin Gelişmesi” adlı kitap için kaleme aldığı metninde geçen bir bilimsel araştırma programından alır. Lakatos’a göre, 1815 tarihli imzasız bir makalesinde Prout, bütün saf kimyasal elementlerin atom ağırlıklarının tamsayı olduğunu iddia ederek bir araştırma programı başlatmıştır. Prout’un bilimsel araştırma programını takip eden bilimciler, programın iddiasını doğrulamak yerine, kendi savları aleyhinedeki bütün karşı-savları yanlışlamak gibi bir “maceraya” atılmışlardır. Ancak açıklanması gereken o kadar çok sayıda ...

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Repeating Cycles, Anomalies and Prototypes of Imagination

This text is about the context of the works which will come together in the second issue of the magazine, the first issue of which has been published under the title “06.2020/14/dergi”. The founder and coordinator of the mentioned periodical is the artist Sergen Şehitoğlu. Şehitoğlu has created a periodical which has included in its first issue 14 works produced by 14 artists for a medium in the form of a magazine. This periodical creates a quite different context than ...

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Horsehead Nebula (1089 Color)

These works realized by means of the analysis of visual and written information regarding celestial bodies and events, in the most general sense, deal with the complicated relations between objects and signs, phenomena and descriptions, language and the world on different levels. They study the objects by marking and categorizing the different levels of referring to the objects.

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Untitled (Pages)

The work Untitled (Pages) carries out an investigation to grasp formal relationships based on the layout of the pages that constitute this journal. Following the instructions, the chart produced by the graphic designer of the journal numbers the illustrations that were drawn according to the layout of the content on each page, brings them together and presents them in the last page of this journal. However, since the page containing this chart, which presents the formal relationships of the layout, is itself a ...

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ON THE BORDERLINE OF EMPRICISM: YAĞIZ ÖZGEN INSTRUCTIONS Kerem Ozan Bayraktar   “The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.”[1] Bertrand Russell   Instructions is a performative exhibition that directly reveals Yağız Özgen’s practice and form of thinking. It is prepared with great diligence, which transforms his form of thinking into the work itself. A now ordinary word “interdisciplinary”, ...

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Actual Drawings For Potential Murals

The series of work is a component of the exposition entitled “Instructions”. This series of work constitutes of instructions and drafts executed for murals in potential status. These instructions which were precisely matched with the drafts, demonstrate by symbolizing the consecutive situations that a painter is in, while he applies the paintings to areas of the wall that could be distinguished on the drafts. “The only works that Özgen makes use of representation, are the drawings where he shows the ...

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Astronomy Picture Of The Day

Founded by professional astronomers and supported by NASA, “Astronomy Picture Of The Day” is an online archive where generally space images recorded via hi-tech telescopes and short explanations regarding these images are regularly published. The work seen is named after the eponymous online archive. This website where a high resolution image together with a short explanation by professional astronomers is published everyday hosts various information on celestial bodies and events that are not usually possible to be seen with the ...

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Systems / Visibility

Özgen’s work is named after the nebula Pillars of Creation. Nebulae are astronomical objects, comprising formations of dust, gas and other materials that clump together, and by attracting further matter eventually form stars. The image was first taken at NASA using the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, leading to significant improvements in our scientific understanding of processes taking place inside nebulae. The telescopic photo of the pillars is composed of 32 individual images from four separate cameras on Hubble. Light ...

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This work entitled “Billiard Balls Moving on a Billiard Table According to the Floor Plans of the Space in Which They Are Exhibited” analyzes the relationship of a representation, which is normally considered as being limited with a frame, with the space in which it is exhibited. This work creates its own form by taking its data from the physical space in which the image is shown.

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These works realized by means of the analysis of visual and written information regarding celestial bodies and events, in the most general sense, deal with the complicated relations between objects and signs, phenomena and descriptions, language and the world on different levels. They study the objects by marking and categorizing the different levels of referring to the objects.

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AN ESSAY ON YAĞIZ ÖZGEN’S WORKS IN THE CONTEXT OF KANT’S CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY: METADATA Şeref Erol   “In art it is hard to say anything as good as: saying nothing.”[1] Ludwig Wittgenstein   This textual work has been produced about the form of exhibition consisting of Yağız Özgen’s artworks in the form of painting brought together by him under the name of “Meta-Data”. The text will primarily attempt to realize a philosophical analysis related to Yağız Özgen’s most general artistic apprehension within ...

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~“Three Skulls”, ~“Olympia” ve ~“Betty”

“This work is one of the works where Özgen deals with the issue of sampling at an extreme level. The triptych painting is based on the selection of dominant colours by taking the colour averages of the skull figures in Cézanne’s painting entitled Three Skulls (1814) and the display of each of these colours on the canvas. In this work, the artist reduces the skulls in the referred painting to three different canvases and three different colour fields whereby the ...

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The Slave Ship (448 Colors)

As a result of selecting some works from art history as data and create new artworks by this means, the self-referent, cyclic structure of art as a lingual field is manifested, as Özgen also states it; and in this respect, the object of the work again becomes artwork. In other words, just as, according to Kant, we cannot move from phenomena to noumena except for demonstrating the laws of reason that constitute knowledge, in Özgen’s works as well, art is ...

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